Martin Zamani and Kane Kalas Clash over Max Late Reg Big Blind Issue

June 9, 2023
Andrew Burnett

Martin Zamani has called out Kane Kalas over the latter complaining and getting a refund after being seated in the big blind upon max late regging for the $25k buy-in NLH High Roller.

“This loser @KaneKalas drew the bigblind just now max late reg In 25K and is upset he’s the bigblind feels it wasn’t random, asking for a refund. What a fucking joke. Now anyone can just freeroll the draw. Get the fuck out of here,” wrote Zamani.

Zamani admits that there should have been a better draw for the big blind, but insists Kalas’ prima donna behaviour shouldn’t have been tolerated.

“In fairness the wsop should have high carded apparently, but every max late reg 40+ people were in same spot. He was only one to cry and actually get a refund,” tweeted Zamani.

Kalas, however, was convinced the draw wasn’t random, willing to bet $100k on that claim.

Zamani, who shot to infamy as the whistleblower who accused Bryn Kenney of multiple cheating breaches, wasn’t impressed by Kalas’ claims.

“No one cares bitch. Everyone else was in the same spot,” he insisted, with Kalas fighting back: “No. You did not have a 5/7 chance of drawing the big blind, bitch.”

With a starting stack of 150,000 chips, the max late reg saw Kalas and others facing not only 5k/10k blinds, but also a 10k big blind ante, a big chunk of their stacks.

Doug Polk felt Kalas’ complaint was legitimate to an extent: “Shouldn't a max late reg player a neutral big blind chance? Don't think I'd ask for a refund but doesn't seem out of line to complain.”

Poker Twitter’s recs weren’t impressed by Kalas, though, some of the tweets below:

  • “Shouldn't let him register anymore WSOP events. That is the lowest of moves. If you max late reg your taking your chances. What does @KaneKalas expect to get button everytime he max late reg's?”
  • “So ridiculous. I can't see anyone finding a truly logical reason as to why they should and did refund him in this spot. And @KaneKalas what exactly is your theory it was "not random". He's always been a NPC nit-bot type to me. You bought in late - Play the hand you dealt yourself.”

As always, the full story, or both sides, often comes after the big argument. In later Twitter discussion, Kalas stated that he turned down an offer to re-draw instead of unregging.

In response to Henrik Hecklen calling him a pigeon for “Unregging after discovering floor has made a mistake in procedure,” Kalas replied:

“So floor makes a mistake that advantages you at the expense of every other player in the tournament and if you unreg instead of stealing equity you are “hilariously pigeon”?

Kalas added: “But once they start dealing and offer me to pick a new seat card (4/6 WERE starting in the BB but now that they’ve started dealing those seats would come in BEHIND in the BB) it would massively favor me to take that deal. I declined bc I didn’t want an unfair edge.”

What do you think of Kalas asking for a refund in this situation? Right? Wrong? A pigeon move? Let us know on our social media!

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