HighStakesDB, short for High Stakes Database, was founded in 2006 by a group of people interested in following and watching the highest stakes poker games online. At the time there was no way of knowing who had won or lost, besides actually keeping track of all the hands and count the results yourself. That's when the idea of a central high stakes poker database came up and was put in the works.
Back then all high stakes games were almost exclusively played on the network now called Microgaming (with rooms such as Unibet and Ladbrokes). However, after aggressive marketing and the signing of a series of known professionals, the games slowly moved over to Full Tilt Poker. This is when thae real boost of high stakes online poker took off. Full Tilt offered stakes as high as $500/1000 and well-known pros such as Phil Ivey, Durrrr and Patrik Antonius could be seen playing almost daily. As online high stakes poker grew, so did HighStakesDB. Starting off as a small site with only a couple of hundred visitors a month, we're now a well-known website within poker circles with hundreds of thousands of visitors every month. Full Tilt offered stakes as high as $500/1000 and well-known pros such as Phil Ivey, Durrrr and Patrik Antonius could be seen playing almost daily. As online high stakes poker grew, so did HighStakesDB. Starting off as a small site with only a couple of hundred visitors a month, we're now a well-known website within poker circles with hundreds of thousands of visitors every month.
However, after aggressive marketing and the signing of a series of known professionals, the games slowly moved over to Full Tilt Poker. This is when the real boost of high stakes online poker took off. Full Tilt offered stakes as high as $500/1000 and well-known pros such as Phil Ivey, Durrrr and Patrik Antonius could be seen playing almost daily. As online high stakes poker grew, so did HighStakesDB. Starting off as a small site with only a couple of hundred visitors a month, we're now a well-known website within poker circles with hundreds of thousands of visitors every month.
HighStakesDB, short for High Stakes Database, was founded in 2006 by a group of people interested in following and watching the highest stakes poker games online. At the time there was no way of knowing who had won or lost, besides actually keeping track of all the hands and count the results yourself. That's when the idea of a central high stakes poker database came up and was put in the works.
Back then all high stakes games were almost exclusively played on the network now called Microgaming (with rooms such as Unibet and Ladbrokes). However, after aggressive marketing and the signing of a series of known professionals, the games slowly moved over to Full Tilt Poker. This is when thae real boost of high stakes online poker took off.
Daily snapshots and high stakes poker news from both online and offline.
A high stakes poker database with results dating back to 2007.
Live results from the online high stakes poker games.
Player profiles and results for a majority of all online high stakes players.
Top online rakeback and vip Deals.
Replays of all high stakes poker hands tracked by our system.
HighStakesDB is run by three full time employees working day and night to keep up with all the high stakes action, while also trying to improve the site. In addition to this there is also a series of freelance writers helping us with new content.
If you are interested in learning more about HighStakesDB, advertise, work for us or have any questions in general, do not hesitate to Contact Us here