Savannah Hale Refutes Cheating Affair in HCL Scandal

November 3, 2022
Andrew Burnett

The Hustler Casino Live drama has taken a new twist, the cheating allegations moving from the poker table to the personal lives of Robbi Jade Lew and HCL reg, Jacob ‘Rip’ Chavez, with accusations of an extra-marital affair refuted by Chavez’s wife...

Questions about a romantic involvement between Lew, accused by Garrett Adelstein of cheating in a livestreamed cash game, and Chavez, who also played in the HCL game in question, have been ‘background noise’ in the story so far.
However, with the HCL investigation into the poker cheating taking seemingly forever to conclude, a public appearance by Lew and Chavez together has sparked a new line of enquiry...

Melissa Burr was among those unimpressed with the direction the scandal was taking, tweeting: “Worst part to come out of this j4 drama is Rip's wife being dragged and getting notifs as she sits home w/their newborn, as her husband goes viral on twitter after being seen at an NFL game w/another woman.”

Burr added: “How would u treat ur female friend going through this? Act accordingly.”

However, those who believe Lew somehow managed to get inside info to cheat Adelstein in the now-infamous J4o hand have also been looking for a weak link in the ‘conspiracy’ version of the cheating put forward by Adelstein that Lew was not working alone.

Adelstein was clearly hoping that Chavez’s wife, Savannah Hale, would spill the beans at some point – if indeed there are beans to spill...

And Chavez, who backed Lew in the HCL cash game that sparked the year’s biggest row, took issue when Doug Polk slid into Hale’s DMs...

Polk, never one to let an enemy get the last word in, responded with the caustic burn: “Good point. Next time I want to get her opinion I'll take her out to a football game.”

Meanwhile, Shaun Deeb was getting in on the act by questioning Lew’s husband...

Robbi Jade Lew didn’t miss out on the Twitter back-and-forth, with a message of support for Hale: “To drag family members into a situation that should involve only those who sat AT the table during the night in question is beyond me. Bless you @savnhale for putting up with the toxic pettiness and feigned concern of drama-driven trolls.”

Quite what any of this has to do with actual poker is anybody’s guess, but until HCL’s investigation concludes and gives us actual detail, it appears the soap opera drama version of events is here to stay.

In the meantime, there’s still no news as to the arrest or otherwise of the only person who has actually confessed to any wrongdoing, chip thief Bryan Sagbigsal.

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