Garrett Adelstein Posts Damning Statement on Hustler Cheating Scandal

October 10, 2022
Mark Patrickson

Image courtesy of

Garrett Adelstein has posted a lengthy statement on the 2+2 forum detailing evidence for what transpired a little over a week ago on the Hustler Casino Live stream. Robbi Jade Lew shocked the poker community by making a seemingly impossible call in a spot where it made no sense whatsoever.

Every day since this infamous hand took place there have been investigations from many figures in the community, with Joey Ingram streaming live for 10 hours and longer and inviting those involved and other big names from poker to call in and give their opinions.

Garrett Adelstein’s Analysis

Garrett Adelstein is 100% convinced that he was cheated and after taking legal advice as to what he can say publicly without repercussions.

The statement began as follows:

"I can again say with great confidence that Robbi was very likely part of a cheating ring of at least three members, including her, RIP, Bryan and potentially others.

Although I have strong suspicions of many hands that were cheated and the specific methodology and roles of each member of the cheating ring, my legal team has advised me to leave this information out of this initial report.

I may choose to disclose additional information in the future if this story continues to be derailed.

Based on the evidence presented below, what I can say about the methodology is that it is highly likely there were instances when Bryan had access to the hole cards, signaled information about those hole cards to RIP, Robbi, or potentially both, and Robbi likely used this information to cheat in several hands over her 3 sessions playing on HCL.

I can also say with great confidence, based in part on the evidence presented below, that Robbi and RIP very likely worked together as a team in the two streams they played together to cheat the rest of the table. The video evidence will show several instances of them using verbal and nonverbal communication to accomplish this goal. Additional camera footage beyond what’s shown in the livestream will likely go a long way in further implicating the two.”

This is as damning as can be and directs investigation across a wider area. Rather than focusing squarely on Robbi Lew and former Hustler Casino Live audio technician Bryan Sagbigsal, we are now looking at the possibility of one or more of the other players at the table that night being involved.

Adelstein continues with his reasoning for why Sagbigsal was unlikely to have been operating alone.

Highlights From the Report:

  • Video evidence of RIP and Robbi allegedly working together to cheat during these games and other suspicious activity.
  • Robbi likely lied about several aspects of her relationship with RIP.
  • Beanz likely lied about his relationship with Robbi, including an exchange of money a few days prior to the J4 game.
  • RIP, Robbi, and Nik Airball dine together for 7 hours on 9/28. The next morning, Airball agrees to give RIP a $175K loan to play in the game the J4 hand took place (Confirmed via Airball’s Twitter statement).
  • The financial relationship between Robbi and RIP was not made known to the other players until after the J4 incident occurred.
  • Beanz own recollections, and information from many others, suggest he may also have a criminal record and is a known scammer.
  • Beanz has been referred to as “The King Scammer of Kansas City” and was a person of interest in a 2017 robbery of the Bellagio Casino. He refused a polygraph in that case and admitted he had a colorful past.
  • Bryan of HCL is allegedly a known “problem” gambler and a criminal with the means and motive to play a key role in this alleged cheating effort. Bryan also publicly sought information on methods of cheating prior to the games in question.
  • On 9/27, Robbi was seen by Julie Yorn angle-shooting a min-buy at the Bicycle Casino when they played at the same table. Robbie was unable to produce identification and made several statements that either raised suspicion or contradicted other things she has said publicly.
  • A source with direct knowledge gives a detailed account of RIP’s alleged history as a con-man, including boxing scams, misrepresented businesses, and other concerning details of his past.
  • Following the incident, both Beanz and Robbi have given suspicious, contradictory or seemingly false stories on several media outlets.
  • Analysis and red-flags from the J4 hand itself.

There is then a series of video evidence timestamps detailing potential verbal queues between Lew and RIP. Adelstein concludes that the pair worked together on both of the streams where they played on the show.

What Evidence Do We Really have?

The problem with situations like this is that the evidence is exclusively circumstantial, albeit almost more than we can deal with. After a week of division throughout the poker community, opinion is definitely moving more towards a consensus of guilt than the other way.

After the revelation that Bryan Sagbigsal stole $15,000 worth of chips from Lew’s stack and she chose not to prosecute, many of her supporters have switched stance. The fact is that police could get a warrant to investigate phone call and electronic messaging histories and this would exonerate Lew publicly. But she decided against this path at the time, although has stated that she might now press charges.

There is also mounting evidence that the DM Lew claims was sent to her by Sagbigsal was fabricated and authored by her or her attorney husband.

There was even video evidence showing possible signaling between the dealer and Robbi Lew.

The remainder of Garrett Adelstein’s statement delves into what he knows about some of the players who were at the table that evening and it makes interesting reading. Check out the full statement here.

In case you missed anything from this story over the last week, check out our coverage so far in the links below:

Garrett Adelstein Storms Off Hustler Casino Live Amid Suspicious Play
Doug Polk Says it’s 90% Likely Robbi Lew Cheated on Hustler Casino Live
Poker Community Still Divided Over Hustler Casino Live Cheating Allegations
Hustler Casino Live Cheating Scandal Takes Bizarre Twist as Employee Steals $15k from Robbie Lew
Hustler Casino Live Cheating Scandal Update

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