Jungleman Dan Cates Finally Set to Battle “Mr Falcons” in Galfond PLO Challenge

February 2, 2023
Andrew Burnett

The Galfond Challenge is back with a bang, as Dan “Jungleman” Cates, aka “Mr Falcons”, finally puts his money where his mouth is in a highstakes heads-up PLO battle with Phil Galfond...

The €100/€200 online cash game PLO battle over 7500 hands will be the 4th full match of the Galfond Challenge, should it go the distance as expected.

Galfond has already defeated the likes of online beasts “VeniVidi1993” and “ActionFreak” as well as Chance Kornuth, with a short-lived bout against Brandon Adams also going his way, Adams giving up after only 2900 hands when $300k down.

“Mr Falcons”, as the Jungleman calls Galfond, already has the edge against Cates, having won €86,870 in a mini-match of 750 hands, also at stakes of €100/200.

That loss led to Cates’ “descent into madness” video in which he vowed to gain revenge, stating: “I’m gonna rip your claws out, I’m gonna tear your talons off, I’m gonna destroy you, crush your spirit, I’m gonna show your carcass to the whole world!”

“Next time, Mr Falcons will have his match set out for him – I will have my revenge. Your days are numbered Falcons! I am gonna fucking destroy you!!”

Almost three years have passed since then but Cates hasn’t changed, this week tweeting: “Your days in the sky are numbered FALCONS,” and getting in some ‘coaching’ and practice sessions courtesy of Hustler Casino Live.

It appears as though Jungleman is ready for all sorts of battles this year, a prop bet fight away from the table lined up against fellow highstakes crusher, Timofey “Trueteller” Kuznetsov on the cards.

We’ll bring you all the best of the Galfond Challenge action so be sure to check in regularly!

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