Phil Galfond Struggling to Arrange Galfond Challenge Match Against Jungleman

August 28, 2022
Mark Patrickson

Phil Galfond has given an update on the still to be completed Galfond Challenge match against Dan “Jungleman” Cates. He explained that due to both of them having busy schedules it has been impossible for the pair to get together and finish what they started.

Too Busy

It’s a shame that this match hasn’t been played yet. It’s probably the one that fans were looking forward the most to seeing.

“Not much movement there. Jungleman and I are going to play at some point, but he's a tough guy to pin down, and I am a little bit as well. So, it'll happen at some point. I don't know when but it'll be fun. We'll both stream it!”

One suggestion was to start and play the match in small chunks, even if it become tedious to keep stopping and starting.

“I feel like I need to start maybe pushing for us to do it in bits and pieces. Initially, I wanted to do it all in one or two weeks, let's call it two weeks, that we just grind it out and be done. Whether it's here in Nevada on or I travel outside of the U.S. and we do it elsewhere. But because it's been so hard to get our schedules to sync up, maybe I should just say next time I see an opportunity, hey, let's play a couple of days and then chip away at it over time.”

There’s also no other challengers stepping up to face the undefeated king of PLO right now. This is also a shame because the few that we have seen have showcased some incredible poker and now it’s all come to a grinding halt.

Could Phil Galfond Play in High Stakes Duel?

Before Jason Koon was picked to face Phil Hellmuth in High Stakes Duel III, Phil Galfond also indicated his interest but was put off by not having a guarantee of three matches. Because Scott Seiver had already lost one and whoever played would be his replacement it could be all done.

Phil Hellmuth will have won three in a row if he wins this next one and by the rules of the competition he can cash out and run.

“I kind of want the opportunity to have three shots. So, I mean, I don't want to officially throw my hat in the ring because it's going to be weird like if Jason wins, he's one of my closest friends. I don't really want to play him at all, but I would like to play on the High Stakes Duel at some point.”

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