Sick Fold with AA in $200,000 Pot Stuns Poker Fans

December 19, 2022
Charles Rettmuller

A high stakes cash game in Las Vegas during the World Poker Tour Championship was replete with exciting action when Frenchman YoH ViraL folded pocket bullets with $200K on the line.

In all likelihood, Viral's past experiences versus Santi Jiang - as well as the progression of betting on this particular hand - allowed YoH to deduce exactly what his opponent was holding.

The stakes were $500/$1,000 with a $2,000 ante and the game was on a live stream. Viral's aces were up against the KK of Jiang, who raised to $3,000. Viral 3-bet to $11,000, prompting Jiang to 4-bet to $38,000.

Just shy of $80K was in the pot when the flop hit the board, a favorable K-2-3 for Jiang, who led with a bet of $10,000. Viral raised to $42K and Santi flatted, boosting the pot to $163,500.

An inconsequential seven on the turn saw Jiang fire $45,000 into the pot. Viral amazingly managed to let go of his aces, making the correct fold in a hand that gave him only a 5% chance of winning with the river yet to come.

Kudos to YoH for a brilliant play! Watch all of the action in the tweet below:

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