Justin Bonomo Wins His First Poker Masters Title

September 30, 2023
Mark Patrickson

Justin Bonomo has won his first PokerGO Poker Masters title after defeating Daniel Rezeai with one of the best ace-high hero calls you will ever see.

The man who currently sits in second place on the all time money winners list with $62,395,480, incredibly, had never won one of these events before, but dominated the late stages to get that monkey off his back in the penultimate event.

When the final table lined up, Bonomo had almost half of the chips in front of him, but it was never going to be straightforward given the opposition he was up against.

Chino Rheem, Andrew Lichtenberger, and Stephen Chidwick were all fresh off of a win of their own and eager to taste victory again.

But one by one, they all fell by the wayside and then only Daniel Rezeai stood between Bonomo and a victory that has eluded him for so long.

And it was looking tough. Rezeai had close to a 2-1 chip advantage but was about to learn exactly why Bonomo has the reputation he does.

The blinds are 30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 BB ante and Rezeai competes in the small blind with J8o. Bonomo raises to 210k in the big blind with A8s. Rezeai calls.

The flop comes down 9s 4s 7d. Bonomo bets 300k and Rezeai calls. The pot is 1,080,000.

The turn is the 7c. Bonomo now checks, knowing that this board is good for many hands that limp/call preflop heads-up. Rezeai sees his chance to steal the pot and leads out for 325k. Bonomo doesn’t believe him just yet and makes the call.

The river is the 5d and Bonomo checks again. Rezeai now follows through, sensing that Bonomo can’t have much of anything when he takes this line and isn’t likely to put his tournament life on the line without a strong hand here.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Bonomo doesn’t even think for that long before declaring "I really think you're bluffing me here. I have to call.”

This hand put Bonomo back in the driving seat and he quickly went on to wrap up the victory.

Poker Masters Event #9 $25,000 NL Hold’em Final Table Results

Place Player Country Prize
1 Justin Bonomo United States $333,000
2 Daniel Rezeai United States $222,000
3 Stephen Chidwick United Kingdom $148,000
4 Andrew Lichtenberger United States $101,750
5 Orpen Kisacikoglu Turkey $74,000
6 Chino Rheem United States $46,250
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