Jennifer Tilly and Antonio Esfandiari in Set Over Set $305,800 Pot

March 24, 2023
Charles Rettmuller

A recent episode of High Stakes Poker produced a number of exciting hands, including an all-in battle for more than $300K between Antonio Esfandiari and Jennifer Tilly.

The pair were joined at the table by the likes of Bill Perkins, Bobby Baldwin, Roger Sippl and Robert Sanchez. Pre-flop action saw Tilly (2h-2d) raise to $3,000, leading to a call by Sanchez (Kc-9c), and a 3-bet to $11,000 by The Magician (Jh-Jd).

Antonio's 3-bet was called by Tilly and Sanchez, boosting the pot to $33,800. The flop revealed Jc-9s-2c, giving sets to Esfandiari and Tilly, while Sanchez had middle pair and the second-nut flush draw.

A $14K bet from Esfandiari was matched by both of his opponents, putting $75,800 in the middle before the turn card (10d). Sanchez now had a gut-shot straight draw to go along with his king-high flush draw.

Trip jacks bet $43,000, prompting an all-in shove for $115,000 by Tilly. Despite all his outs, Sanchez elected to fold. Antonio made the call and the pot ballooned to $305,800.

Cards were turned over and Jennifer saw that her only hope was the deuce of spades landing on the river. "Nice hand, Antonio," she said, before the dealer peeled the 10h on the river.

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