Shaun Deeb and David 'Viffer' Peat Clash over $32k Debt

September 22, 2020
Andrew Burnett

Shaun Deeb has swapped a battle in Mexico with COVID-19 for a fight with Dave ‘Viffer’ Peat on Twitter over an alleged $32,000 debt…

The dispute goes back several years, a Viffer-owed $32k debt that Deeb claims he bought from another party.
As we reported almost 4 years ago, the pair have duelled in public over this matter previously, even dragging Jungleman, Daniel Negreanu and Mike Matusow into the dispute.

Viffer posted on the 2plus2 forum at the time: ‘Shaun, please either accept my offer to bet on arbitration, or stop telling the public i owe you. Putting that on twitter is irresponsible.

He added: ‘If your not willing to bet you are usually wrong. A simple im sorry Viffer will do, or lets find someone to arbitrate and bet.’

This week, in a battle of the almost illiterate, Deeb responded to being called out as a cheat with his own brand of venom…

…the pair trading insults and offers and rejections across multiple tweets, the following exchange among them…

Viffer: ‘Sure, lets post up money, to figure out how much i owe? I got no reeason to try and save face, I quit poker because of cheats like you.’

Deeb: ‘Keep calling me a cheat Viffer you quit poker because no one could handle your drug induced sessions and you burned every finical bridge you could still waiting for any details your mush of a head can come up with.’

The original disputed $32,000 debt has now blossomed into a $100k to $50k sidebet, Deeb getting the 2-1 odds and insisting the extra $32k be added on should he win.

Getting someone to act as arbitrator has proved to be a bit of a struggle, Matt Glantz turning down the gig, but as Peat explained: “I’m sure we won’t have a probalem finding someone who hates us both to settle this.”

As for Deeb, away from the dispute, the 2018 WSOP player of the year saw his WCOOP schedule interrupted by a scary bout with COVID-19…

…although he even managed to play from his hospital bed…

…although whether his recovery should include a Twitter spat with Viffer is another question entirely.

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