Jack-Four One Year on: Garrett Adelstein Doubles Down on Cheating Accusation

October 4, 2023
Mark Patrickson

Garrett Adelstein has posted a tweet, reiterating his accusation that he was cheated in the infamous jack-four hand that occurred exactly one year ago. The cash game legend hasn’t appeared on Hustler Casino Live since that day and is clearly still angry about what happened.

That Unforgettable Hand

There can’t be a more memorable poker hand played in the last two decades than what we witnessed one year ago.

Poker has had more than its fair share of cheating scandals over the years but this one was sure to linger because there was never any hard proof. The poker community being what it is, ended up split down the middle with very few people prepared to change their minds.

Robbi Jade Lew was a newcomer to the scene but when the cards were shuffled up that night, she was about to become the most famous person in poker.

So, the stakes were $100/$200/$400 $400 BB ante, and the hand began with Adelstein raising to $3,000 with 8c7c and Lew flat calling in the straddle with Jc4h. Lew is $131k deep and Adelstein has her covered.

The pot is $6,700 and the flop came down Th Tc 9c. Adelstein fires out a bet of $2,500 with a straight flush draw and Lew quickly calls.

The turn is the 3h. Adelstein bets $10,000. This is where things start to get weird. Lew now min raises her air.

Many would call here just taking the crazy pot odds on offer with a draw but Adelstein goes for the shove, putting Lew to the test for a huge amount of chips—$191,000.

Lew now has the commentators puzzled after throwing in a timebank chip before calling it all off!

The players remain jovial, chatting between themselves while Lew declares she only has a “pure bluff catcher” and thinks Adelstein has her beat. They then agree to run it twice before either player has turned their cards over.

The first river is the 9d and the second is the As, giving the full pot to Lew. Now, the look on Adelstein’s face is unforgettable; he’s thinking this can’t be happening.

After looking stunned for a couple of minutes, Adelstein says that he doesn’t understand what is going on. Well, what happened was that Lew won a pot of $269,000 and Adelstein was already thinking that something stinks about how the hand went down.

Incredibly, Lew then followed Adelstein away from the table and handed over $135,000 in chips to him. Of course, this decision was seized upon by many players as a tacit admission of guilt.

Lew said she felt intimidated and told Adelstein she would prefer to “put things right” rather than leave the game with bad feeling.

One Year Later

One year after the hand went down, a lot has been said but no hard evidence has come to light. It’s probably fair to say that Robbi Jade Lew has gained more supporters than Adelstein during this time, but Adelstein remains convinced and his tweet indicates that there is more drama still to come.

Lew and Adelstein haven’t appeared on Hustler Casino Live since that day.

One person who didn’t seem happy to hear any more about this story was Hustler Casino Live co-founder Nick Vertucci. He took serious umbrage at Adelstein’s tweet digging up what he considers old ground.

Vertucci no doubt thinks that the show did everything they could in the investigation and no evidence of cheating was found.

He repeatedly replied to comments in this thread saying he supports the truth and if anyone can bring him hard evidence then he will deal with it appropriately.

As for Garrett Adelstein going away quietly, that is not going to happen, according to further tweets alluding to his legal team.

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