Dave “Viffer” Peat Reckons Cheating Is Part of Poker!

December 16, 2023
Mark Patrickson

No matter what the era, poker always seems to have an ongoing cheating scandal. The latest being a handful of regs from the popular Hustler Casino Live finding themselves butting heads over a marked deck being found in a high-stakes private game.

Over $3 million was said to have been scammed in this game by Mars and his alleged crew, sending the poker community into a bit of fury. Because of course, this is not on; or is it?

Dave “Viffer” Peat tweeted during the spat that he thinks cheating is a normal part of the game!

“Cheating is part of poker, some of the best players were the ones that never got caught. Being a good cheat used to be a prerequisite to get into poker hall of fame.Remove every cheater or accused cheater from hall of fame and you will find a lot of empty walls.”

Suggesting that if all cheaters are outed people will lose their heroes is a strong statement. Should we let people get away with it? Of course not.

Nik Airball, one of the alleged victims of the latest private game scam, was obviously against this idea.

“Let’s out them all and have empty walls. Old generation fine with hiding cheaters and letting them keep playing. If you know of cheating and don’t say anything you’re as bad as the cheater.”

Viffer doubled down and defended his standpoint.

“The thing is, Its so hard to prove someone is cheating, and a lot of people get falsly accused. I think you have to set the bar pretty high to accuse someone of cheating.

“I think the bar is a lot lower to smack someone for cheating then publically accusing them of cheating, If you didnt smack them at the game when you think they cheated you probally shouldnt publically accuse them."

Dan “Jungleman Cates was less than happy at what was being proposed.

One poster even suggested that this might be a reason why Viffer is no longer seen at the poker table but this wasn’t the case.

Touchingly, he explained that he wanted to be a better father and that was impossible while trying to play poker at the highest level.

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