Andrew Robl Wins Monstrous $9 Million Pot vs. Tom Dwan

March 29, 2023
Charles Rettmuller

The banter around the table during a recent episode of 'High Stakes Poker' revolved around Jean-Robert Bellande telling his tablemates about the largest pot he ever saw in a cash game - a whopping $9,000,000.

There isn't any film footage of the actual hand, but it certainly is a believable story as the winner of the $9 million pot, Andrew Robl, was seated to the right of Bellande and the Ship It Holla Ballas! star confirmed every word of Bellande's tale.

"Biggest pot I ever saw Andrew win was actually he had Ace-King against Kings," JRB explains. "Massive pot against Tom Dwan. He had Ace-King of diamonds and he flopped an Ace on one board and flopped a flush on the second board."

Robl stated that the pot was indeed worth $9 million, much to the amazement of the other players at the table that included Eric Persson, Jennifer Tilly, Daniel Negreanu, Stanley Choi and Stanley Tang.

Dwan Takes the Loss in Stride

JRB continued by saying, "By the way, the way Dwan handled it, you'd have thought he lost a $300 pot."

The $9 million pot occurred at the Aria in 2015, the very same casino where Bellande was telling the tale. His story came during a hand in which DNegs induced a fold from Tang by shoving all in for $47,700 on the turn on a nut-flush draw with Ad-6d on a board of As-9d-2c-Kd. Tang was ahead in the hand with Ah-Jh.

Watch the hand and listen to JRB's story in the clip below. It's interesting to note that Robl said, "That's the biggest pot I ever won in a ring game."

Does that mean that Andrew perhaps won an even bigger pot in heads-up action?

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